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How can I publish a course?

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To publish a course, please first make sure that you fulfil the criteria:

  1. You are a member of an organisation. You can check this via your profile. Please note that a 'Pending' status is not sufficient.
  2. The organisation is located in an Erasmus+ Programme country.

If you fulfil the criteria, then you can follow these steps:

  • Open My Dashboard
  • In your Dashboard, click on 'Add posting'
  • In Step 1, select the posting type 'Course' and click 'Next'
  • In Step 2, provide basic information about your course, such as the title, summary and description:
    You can (and in some cases must) also provide other information, including:
    • Language in which your course will take place
    • Meta data helping users find your course, like target audience characteristics, related (vocational) subjects and relevant topics (tags)
    • Pedagogical information like learning objectives, methodology and assessment, and learning time
    • Information about the costs of your course
    • The location of the course (decide whether you want to have a single location for the course, or if you need to set a location for each course session)
    • A link to more information, for example the course page on your own website
  • At the end of Step 2, make sure to search and select the organisation with which you want to publish the course. Please note that you can only select the organisations that fulfil the above-mentioned requirements.After the organisation is selected, you can change the contact person for this course. This setting will determine to which email address the platform will send the enquiries from users about the course.
    When done, click on 'Next'.
  • In Step 3 you need to add the sessions. Each session is an 'occurrence' of a course, taking place at specific dates (and, optionally, at a specific location).
    • Click on 'Edit' to update the session that was added automatically.
    • Adjust the date and enter location data if needed.
    • Set the status of the session: Planned (you intend to run the session if there is enough interest) or Scheduled (you guarantee that the session will take place).
    • Click 'Update node' to save the changes.
    • Add further sessions if desired using the buttons 'Add another session' and 'Create node'.
  • Lastly, save your course:
    • Save as Draft via the top:
    • Save and Publish via the bottom:
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