In this article, you can find the latest developments of the European School Education Platform.
New/improved features
Information about the Educators' Digital Competences available in the National Quality Label certificate – read more our news article
Learn - Course catalogue
Make past sessions accessible on course detail page
Only allow 'Order by' set to 'Relevance' if search term is provided in Course search
Allow organisations from all countries to create courses, but only allow courses/course sessions in Erasmus+ countries to be created
‘Translate in...’ hyperlink is now more visible
New languages are now available (Norwegian, Icelandic, Turkish, Ukrainian)
Connect – Partner search
The sizes of the quick filter buttons are now improved
Expiry date error text for eTwinning project ideas has been improved
Connect – People
Advanced search the selector for ‘validation status’ is now a single drop-down selector
Groups, TwinSpaces and rooms
Online meetings: timeslots that are not available should not be shown
Global search
Advanced filters: updates of filters (content type, publication date, school success for all tags) and other functionalities
Search by keywords: ability to add more than one keyword separated by commas, and individually choose which to keep or delete to change the search
Issues fixed
Adding materials in the TwinSpace material section is now possible
Members are now able to access a page of the TwinSpace
Uploading pictures in TwinSpaces is working again
The ‘unexpected problem, please try again later’ message when entering TwinSpace materials – videos section has now been resolved
Users can now access the TwinSpace 'Meetings' page
Pupil adds a profile picture to his profile and it shows up in the 'Member' part of the TwinSpace
Pictures in TwinSpaces are not cropped any-more into a square
Course catalogue
‘Upcoming first’ sorting should ignore ongoing sessions
Course (with sessions from now until next year) appears when filtering by starting date and location
The course is now shown when searching for an exact keyword match
Users can find the courses they created through the search
Links to course providers' websites is now working
Date filter is now working correctly
After clicking on ‘Accept’ or ‘Reject’, notification for group invitation disappear
Teacher Educator tag is shown only if the user is a Teacher Educator in ITEI
Navigating multiple pages of a project's members doesn’t redirect to the project's homepage
It is now possible to invite or remove member from a project
NQL is now updated/reindexed after (country of) organisation is updated
My dashboard
In My postings – Courses: Open the second page shows the results
Group members sorting is now working correctly
The redirect after clicking on the ‘Join group’ button has been corrected